Naruto: Primary protagonists and antagonists.
Naruto is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. The story is set in a fictional universe where countries vie for power and control through the use of ninja soldier...
Read moreAurora, also known as Sleeping Beauty, is a beloved Disney princess known for her grace, beauty, and kind heart. She first appeared in Disney's classic animated film "Sleeping Beauty" in 1959, and ...
Read moreThe Little Mermaid, Ariel, is a beloved fairy tale character created by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen in 1837. The story follows Ariel, a mermaid who lives in an underwater kingdom with her...
Read moreGus, also known as "Gus Gus" is a fictional character from the Disney animated film "Cinderella." He is one of the mice that lives in Cinderella's home and is her closest friend and confidant. Gus ...
Read moreKiller Bee, also known as "Killer B," is a fictional character in the popular manga and anime series "Naruto." He is a jinchuriki, a ninja who possesses a tailed beast, and is the host of the Eight...
Read moreThe Five Kage, also known as the Five Great Shinobi Countries, are the leaders of the strongest ninja villages in the popular manga and anime series "Naruto." Each Kage is the leader of their respe...
Read moreQuick Look: Leaf Village Hokage
The Hokage is the title given to the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village in the popular manga and anime series "Naruto." The Hokage is considered to be the strongest ninja in the village and is respo...
Read moreBehind the Villain: Tomura Shigaraki
Tomura Shigaraki, also known as Tenko Shimura, is a fictional villain in the popular manga and anime series "My Hero Academia." He is the leader of the League of Villains and the main antagonist of...
Read moreSpider-Man is one of the most popular and enduring superheroes in the world. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, the character first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962. The orig...
Read moreBiography: Behind Koska Reeves
Koska Reeves is a character from the Star Wars franchise who first appeared in the novel "Star Wars: Aftermath" by Chuck Wendig. She is a member of the planet Akiva's rebel cell, and is known for h...
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