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Jingle Truck Toys (JTT) was founded in 2022 by an Army Veteran passionate about pop culture, specifically Funko Pops.
Pop culture effectively establishes relationships between people from different cultures through popular movies, music, sports, video games, etc.
Funko Pops complements pop culture through vinyl figures and, ultimately, caters to “the culture of the people.”
Do you love Batman? There’s a Funko Pop for that.
What about any of the Avengers? There are Funko Pops for that too.
At JTT, we not only embrace pop culture, but we are also here to accelerate its supply.

A “Jingle Truck” is a flamboyantly customized vehicle, typically seen in South Asia (i.e., Afghanistan). American troops coined the term because of the jingling sound the trucks make due to the chains and pendants hanging from the bumpers of the vehicles.